The Happenings




I woke up yesterday morning feeling under the weather. I could feel a cold coming on but I also had an unusual body ache(similar to the flu). I thought about jumping on the treadmill, but it was as if Runners World was stalking me, I received this email:


I agree with the article, it’s better to take a few days off and then come back stronger in my opinion.

Remember Tuesday I only ran 3 miles and was feeling crappy? Now I know why. Today/last night I feel horrible. Normal cold symptoms on top of the flu=( I plan on taking the rest of the week off unless I miraculously wake up feeling like 100 bucks.

So, here are some things we did right before we got sick, J overload, enjoy=)

yesterday morning J helped me mop

yesterday morning J ‘helped’ me mop

today we're playing lots of train while mom lays on the couch

today we’re playing lots of train while mom lays on the couch

At the library hoping to get Gone Girl, no luck I'm #54 on the waiting list=(

At the library hoping to get Gone Girl, no luck I’m #54 on the waiting list=(

Even though I wasn’t feeling great last night, we had already made plans to go out. Josh’s sister watched J. I can’t refuse a night out alone with the hubs no matter how sick I’m feeling=)

Chipotle Salad for me, Angus burger for Josh

Chipotle Salad for me, Angus burger for Josh

Tell me about your workouts since I can’t/won’t workout today=)

What are some fun happenings lately?


About Sugar Plum Runner

Welcome to the Sugar Plum Runner! I grew up in WA state, but currently reside in UT with my husband Josh, son Jackson, and 2 daughters Lily and Claire. I love running, but I have never been so inspired to run, race, and blog about it since 4 years ago after I had Jackson. I grew up playing soccer and cheered in high school. My favorite part of both sports(and yes I consider cheer leading a sport) was the conditioning. I found myself running after practice was over on my own. That's when I realized that running may be the sport I really loved.
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22 Responses to The Happenings

  1. jumpeatrun says:

    I’m not feeling great either, and have definitely been taking it easier lately. I seem to have an annoying lingering cold that doesn’t want to go away!! I may try to get in the short run I had planned today though 🙂

  2. Good for you for taking a rest day! I know they are not easy but much needed when you are under the weather! Feel better!

  3. I am with you, I totally take rest days when I am sick even if it is an extended period of time.

  4. Hope you feel better soon! I’ve been wanting to read Gone Girl- I might just bite the bullet and buy it for my kindle.

  5. Feel better! I haven’t been feeling 100% the last couple days either, so I have been taking it pretty easy. We took Nola on a 2 mile walk this morning and that was the extent of my exercise for the day!

  6. Good for you for taking it easy! I know it is super hard sometimes. Hoping for a couple of treadmill miles after work tonight. Feel better.

  7. I did my final training run for my half marathon! It’s finally here (on Sunday)!!! Good for you for taking it easy! I’m spending the weekend in Disney World this weekend and I’m also celebrating a 4 year Veggieversary on that’s exciting in my world 😀

  8. MiaMia says:

    Hope you feel better and get lots of needed rest! Maybe when you feel better, you and cutie pie should just lay out in the sun! Me and the kiddos are basking out in the sunny backyard (with sweaters n gloves) after school today to soak up some Vitamin D;-). Take care!

  9. kendra says:

    so sorry you’re sick. that’s no fun at all. especially with a little one to care for. (here’s to a speedy recovery.) i always workout through my sickness because i can take the kids to the gym and it’s actually easier to do that when i’m sick than to play referee ALL day at home. but rest is best i am sure.
    yesterday’s workout included discovering a new core class at the gym that was actually challenging. the other one i have taken was from an instructor who was probably in her late 60’s-70’s and while i am all for AOA (active older adults) i am not one and it was WAY too easy. so i am happy about that and plan to go back for more next week:)
    today will be a “sampler platter” of a workout if you will. some running, cycling, weights and HIIT (tabata). should be fun.
    get well soon:)

  10. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Skipping your run is definitely the right thing to do. The added stress of the run on top of being ill would just make you sicker for a longer period of time. Feel better soon! 🙂

  11. I’ve been having to push myself extra hard lately to get out of bed and out for a run. I blame it on the cold weather!!

  12. I’m glad you took the day off! Sometimes,when I’m sick, the phrase “sweating it out” does work. Most of the time – BED!

  13. Hope you feel better! I know the feeling of missing a workout when your under the weather. No fun! But your smart to listen to your body.

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